The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 8:49
Section: Miscellany

Aaaar! It’s that time of year again, by thunder: Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Here be some powerfully piratical links for you land-lubbers to catch up with:

(Courtesy of PirateMod, who produce Cap’n James’ onesie above, as well as t-shirts owned by his father, arrrrrrrrrr …)

Two cats enter, one cat leaves

Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 8:40
Section: Geek

Lucky and Hanna battling atop the kitty tower in the bedroom

Victor Valley Airshow, redux

Monday, September 17, 2007, 13:19
Section: Journalism

So, I survived. More than that, I had a pretty good time. I went up in airport manager Garry Abbott’s restored 1952 Beechcraft Bonanza C-35 (it was the cool silver one with blue flames painted all over its nose).

The world’s largest American flag attempt didn’t go off as planned — “that’s why they call it an ‘attempt,'” as Abbott said — but that meant a lot of time flying over the High Desert.

The thermals off of the sand, asphalt and so on made for a somewhat choppy ride, especially as the day wore on, but it was an interesting way to start off a Saturday. There’s talk of possibly trying the world’s biggest American flag this weekend during the Hesperia Days parade. We’ll see if that happens and how it goes.

California mandates hands-free cell phones while driving

Friday, September 14, 2007, 22:13
Section: Geek

Well, it finally happened: a bill requiring hands-free devices for cell phone use in vehicles goes into effect next year:

Smoak said he hopes the new laws will stop people from talking and driving.

“We would prefer you to pull off at the next exit to make a call,� Smoak said, “but if you just have to make the call, pull to the right shoulder and make the call safely.�

Smoak said he has seen many collisions where a distraction was the cause.

Besides cell phones, people often lose sight of the road while turning radios, changing CDs, putting on makeup or reading a book.

“You name it, we’ve see it,� he said.

I’ve had a hands-free earpiece sitting in a box here at home ever since I got my Treo 650. I guess it’s time to bust it out, power it up and tell my phone how to find it via Bluetooth.

You know, some time before July 1, 2008.

Amazon Unbox, TiVo and the Big Bang Theory

Thursday, September 13, 2007, 20:01
Section: Arts & Entertainment

So, I’m not impressed by Amazon Unbox via TiVo. For starters, the shows aren’t captioned, even though TiVo’s in-house ads and previews always are.

This is an issue because the pilot episodes of Journeyman and Bionic Woman (i.e. the free preview pilots I actually wanted to see) were downloaded sans sound. If I’d paid the insane download rental fee for these, instead of getting a free preview, I would be pretty furious.

It’s a strange omission for TiVo — the captions, not the sound, which is obviously a mistake — since the preview of The Big Bang Theory, a sitcom by the creator of Two and a Half Men that didn’t require any special downloading at all, does have captions. Unfortunately, it also sucks, proving that Two and a Half Men isn’t a fluke.

Ah, well. I’ll just TiVo Bionic Woman and Journeyman like a normal person in a week or two.


Copyright © Beau Yarbrough, all rights reserved
Veritas odit moras.