The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

AVP – Alien Versus Predator

Monday, March 21, 2005, 10:47
Section: Life

Hardcore Aliens fans can find a lot to dislike in “AVP – Alien Versus Predator,” although anyone who has found “Alien3” and “Alien: Resurrection” to be causes worth championing likely doesn’t have the sense of humor to enjoy this film no matter what.

There’s a lot of wasted potential in this film — a great haunted house setting apparently inspired by “The Thing” is almost entirely wasted and the site is abandoned except for the destruction of it at the end; two of the three Predators are fumbling idiots and the last is a relatively cuddly guy who seems unaware that his relatives hunt and skin humans for sport; the tie between the human pyramid cultures is simply tossed out there, without anything being made of it, including how a “heat plume” could be spotted by cultures prior to the 21st century — but overall, it’s not a bad film. It has the requisite number of Aliens hissing and drooling acid, it has facehuggers and chestbursters and it has a pissed-off queen tearing up the joint.

There’s a token attempt or two to tie this into Aliens lore — the father of robotics’ middle name is Bishop, and is played by the same actor as played the robot of that name in Aliens — but mostly it’s “hey, these things are kewl!” and tossing them all into the blender and hitting puree, without worrying much about the logic of what comes out.

For someone waiting years for the next part of the Aliens saga, this is a disappointment. For someone who went in knowing it would be dumb fun (like, say, Predator fans, or those who have been burned enough by science fiction franchises enough over the past few years to learn their lesson), it’s dumb fun, incapable of offense.

This is a rental for most folks.

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