The return of

The domain name has been restored and so is back. Commence your PS1 game playing.
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Hi, sorry if I’m bothering nayone, but, I want to leave a message to the staff, I can not figure out how to contact them, and this was as far as I could get to contacting. So, if you don’t mind, could you please tell them this little tip:
It;s in Spyro 3 for the level warp code. In order to use it to get to the super bonus round, you have to have completed all of Sparx’s levels. I’ve tried it before I did all of Sparx’s worlds and got no where. So I beat the last one, and tried again, and it worked. If you need a video, please ask me and I’ll make one. 🙂 Just thought I’d give you this tip I found somewere on the nternet so you aren’t getting any angry emails!
Comment by Gentlefire — August 1, 2010 @ 10:54
Hi there, I know this an old article but I keep getting the server not found error while trying to access the site. Just want to inform you I cannot actually browse the website.
Comment by Storm — October 10, 2015 @ 3:03
Thanks. I messed up when I changed the domain name provider for It should be all fixed now.
Comment by Beau — December 31, 2015 @ 12:33